Private Women’s Wisdom Mentoring that facilitates Healing, Mental Health, Spiritual Growth and Holistic Wellbeing.


Sacred Women's Journeys are life affirming, transformational experiences for women that value Personal and Spiritual Growth.

At Sacred Women’s Journeys we support women to:

• Discover Self Awareness through Stillness Practices

• Be guided back to Passion and Purpose in Life

• Remember the flow of their Feminine Essence

• Connect to the creativity of the Divine Feminine

• Embody the stillness and focus of the Divine Masculine

• Build confidence through Supportive Community

• Prioritise Self Growth through Self Enquiry Practices

• Come home to a place of Self Love and Self Acceptance

• Purposefully stop doing and learn how to Rest into Being

• Become more mindful of prioritising Self Nurturance

• Reinvent themselves from the Inside Out!

• Feel their way into a Heart Centered Life

• Return to a sense of feeling Well and Whole


  • Mentorship is about the sharing of insight and guidance from life’s experience. It is a ‘Mentoring Program’ that focuses on building strong relationship foundations both to the Mentor and to one’s self - hence it’s called ‘Mentorship’. In this Mentorship Program you will be supported in a loving container so that you can rediscover who you are and learn to source the answers from within. Through this Mentorship Program you will develop Self Awareness, Insight and Intuition through guided Stillness Practices. As compared with Coaching, Mentoring is a model where both parties are equal and simply at different stages of their developmental journey. The Mentor guides the Mentee to further grow and develop in a way that is supportive and respectful. Developing at a pace that is comfortable and natural.

  • You will be supported with compassion, empathy and safety as you are guided to share what is present for you and what you wish to get out of working with a Mentor. Mentoring is a learning tool to support personal development and the relationship formed between the Mentor and Mentee is fundamental to this learning. Methods employed are a combination of present moment awareness, deep listening, somatic awareness and potent reflection informed by Gestalt Therapy.

  • Each session the Mentee is guided into Self Awareness Practices in order to get in touch with deeper parts of the Self and the Psyche. This is a gentle and natural practice often guided through deep relaxation or Yoga Nidra. As the Mentee begins to get comfortable with centering exercises and learning to relax rather than think, deep insights, growth and transformation begin to occur. In this way, Mentoring is an empowerment model. Once the Mentee is able to connect with their own intuition and insight naturally, the Mentor is longer needed to facilitate growth and transformation.

  • You will receive Spiritual Guidance from a Yogini (female spiritual practitioner) steeped in the Ancient Wisdom Traditions of Ayurveda, Yoga and Classical Tantra. Ayurveda is the holistic health approach to diet and lifestyle choices. Yoga is the physical exercises and lifestyle philsophy for balancing the Body, Mind and Spirit. And Classical Tantra is a non-dual approach to living a heart centred life based on developing capacity for Self Awareness, Love, Compassion and Kindness for Self, other and the environment. This is not related to the modern interpretation known as Neo Tantra or Sacred Sexuality. Although Tantra does include life in its entirety and considers everything to be Sacred. So sex is not excluded but it is also not the focus of this Mentorship Program.

  • This Mentorship Program is tailored to the age and life stage of the Mentee. Throughout the Seasons of a Woman’s Life there are Rites of Passage and important transitions that will be explored and shared as relevant to the Mentee’s needs. This Women’s Wisdom work comes from the ‘Women’s Mysteries’. The Women’s Mysteries are focused on honouring the gift and uniqueness of having received a woman’s body and all of the magic that entails. This includes but is not limited to: Birth Story, Childhood, Menstrual Education, First Sexual Experience, Pregnancy, Giving Birth, Pregnancy Loss, Still Birth, Miscarriages, Abortion, Motherhood, Mother Wound, Perimenopause, Menopause, Post-Menopause, Aging, Death and Dying.

  • Mantra Meditation may be introduced as a practice depending on the individual needs of the participant. Mantra Meditation is an Ancient Technique that allows the meditator to begin to surpass the unuseful and negative thinking patterns of the mind by encouraging concentration and focus on the repetition of a Sanskrit Mantra. The practice may be introduced in one of three ways, anchored to breath awareness, with rudraksha mala beads or a hand counting technique. Please note that Mantra Meditation is an initiatory process and only public mantras will be used. A sustained Mantra Meditation practice over a long period of time is an effective method for eliminating incessant over thinking, rumination and negative self talk.

  • Spiritual Counselling is a holistic approach to the individual that encourages a slow and gradual process of moving beyond the analytical mind in order to tap into and be guided by the wisdom of the soul and the insight of the heart. Spiritual Counselling is focused on identifying what is right with an individual in the present moment, not focusing on problems and revisiting or dwelling on the past. Spiritual Counselling is an approach to therapy that focuses on the spiritual aspirations of the human experience and supporting the search for more depth and meaning in life and love.

  • Yoga Teacher Trainee Mentorship is a perfect support for new Yoga Teachers who are wanting to tap into their authentic voice, need support with class planning, sequencing and keeping students safe. For seasoned Yoga Teacher’s mentorship may be needed to take the next step in offering workshops, masterclasses, retreats or trainings. Mentorship support for Yoga Teachers is about building confidence and growing capacity to teach from a place of authenticity that encourages and inspires others as well as building communities that offer meaningful connection.

  • In a busy life it’s the little things that can make a big difference. Learning to become more conscious of your thoughts, actions and words are the first steps to being able to live a more mindful life. Mindfulness techniques that may be introduced include: breathing techniques, journaling, visualisation, creative exploration, the pregnant pause - learning to respond rather than react, active listening, deep listening, counting, noting, body scan, mindful eating, sensation. walking, gratitude and creating ritual.


  • If you are based in Perth, West Australia appointments are available at our Subiaco Studio otherwise meetings are held online via Zoom as often as needed but preferable over a consistent period of time. Weekly or fortnightly appointment yield the best results.

  • Mentorship sessions are oriented to the clients present moment needs. A normal session would include a combination of Talk Therapy, Centering Exercises, Guided Relaxation, Contemplation, Journaling, Ayurveda, Yoga and Mindfulness Techniques. The introduction of relevant tools will be slow and gradual dependent on the individual’s needs.

  • AUD$295 - 2 Hour Introductory Taster Session

    AUD$1150 - 5 x 1.5 Hour Sessions (2 month expiry)

    AUD$1450 - 7 x 1.5 Hour Sessions (3 month expiry)

    AUD$1850 - 10 x 1.5 Hour Sessions (4 month expiry)

  • Sessions are based on the clients present moment challenges and needs. A 2 hour Introductory Session can be taken as a taster and then a commitment of 5, 7 or 10 Sessions can be made. Naturally the best results will come from a longer commitment that allows for trust to be developed and practices to slowly be integrated over time. Mentorship is not a quick fix however it is an empowerment model where once new skills, techniques and practices are developed - the Mentor is no longer needed as the facilitator.

  • Upfront payment secures your place in this personalised program. All session dates will be scheduled at the beginning within the set expiry period. No refund will be given for no shows, change of mind or dissatisfaction with the service. 48 hours notice is required to re-schedule a session otherwise that session will be forfeited and no replacement session will be offered.