Founder and Owner of Sacred Women’s Journeys, Belinda O’Dea is an Australian Yoga and Meditation Teacher, expert Women’s Circle Facilitator and International Women’s Retreat Leader who lives and shares the Path of Tantra.

She nurtures women who wish to grow spiritually and learn to live their Yoga both on and off the mat with her gentle wisdom and loving nature.

Sacred Women’s Journeys was born from a desire to share the ‘Jewels of Transformation’ that have positively changed Belinda’s life from the inside out.

Sacred Women’s Journeys invite you home to yourself through accessible and practical ‘Pearls of Ancient Wisdom’ that will empower you to build confidence and rediscover your Feminine Essence as you awaken to the ‘Gifts of Womanhood’.

An eternal student on the Path of Self Awareness, Belinda wishes to impart embodied knowledge that celebrates Women’s Spirituality through combining the View of Classical Tantra with the Women’s Mysteries and the present focused, relational approach of Gestalt Therapy. As such all of her Women's Work is now inspired and informed by the Gestalt Therapy approach.

Belinda discovered Yoga over 27 years ago, has been teaching and sharing this Ancient Wisdom Tradition since 2012 and has been guiding Women’s Retreats internationally since 2014. She is currently in her 2nd year of training as a Psychotherapist and will qualify as a Gestalt Therapist in 2026.

She has extensive Yoga Teacher Training Certifications in Hatha, Mantra, Tantra, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga with a focus on sharing the Path of Women’s Spirituality through Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Mantra Meditation, Yoga Nidra Guided Relaxation and Sacred Women’s Circle. All of these modalities require one to slow down, learn how to be and activate stillness in order to access intuition and personal insight.

A citizen of the world, Belinda left home at the tender age of 16 years old to pursue a scholarship to study Japanese Language and Culture. She returned to Japan for her first year of University before going on to attain a first class Honours Degree in Fashion Design (Merchandising Stream) from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Belinda’s Fashion Career highlights included being Head Designer for Spencer and Rutherford, Ipa-Nima (Vietnam) and Alannah Hill.

For the past 30+ years she has been on a Journey of Self Discovery that has seen her live and travel extensively throughout Asia eventually graduating from Fashionista to Yogini or 'Hedonist to Moralist' as her Guru likes to say!

If you’re a woman who is ready for personal growth and transformation then Sacred Women’s Journeys will empower you to awaken your Divine Feminine Essence and become more authentically yourself.


  • 2023 to 2026

    Training as a Gestalt Psychotherapist with Gestalt Training Institute West Australia - Perth, Australia

    1997 to 2000

    Bachelor of Arts Fashion Design (Merchandising Stream) 1st Class Honours RMIT University - Melbourne, Australia


    Colour and Trend Forecasting Internship Studio Edelkoort - Paris, France


    Japanese Language and Culture One Year Scholarship - Osaka International Women’s University, Japan


    Japanese Language and Culture One Year Scholarship - Fukuoka Daiichi High School, Japan

    1990 - 1995

    Toorak College (Tertiary Entrance Ranking 98.65) Victoria, Australia

  • Classical Tantra

    Trika Mahasiddha Yoga - Dharma Bodhi (Non-dual Shaivite Tantra)

    Tara Judelle (Kashmir Shaivism)

    Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology

    Dr Robert Svoboda

    Steven Highburger

    Mantra & Nada Yoga

    Anandra George (Kashmir Shaivism)

    Sudhanshu Sharma (Classical Hindustani)

    Women’s Mysteries

    Jane Hardwicke-Collings

    Feminine Embodiment

    Michaela Boehme

    Tina Nance

    Gestalt Therapy

    Ken Yeo

    Helen Diack

    Zish Rosenbach-Zienbinski

    Claudia Rosenbach-Ziembinski

  • 2024 (Open to Invitations)

    Training students in Ayurveda, Bandha, Chakra, Kosha, History of Yoga, Mantra, Meditation, Mudra, Nada Yoga, Pranayama, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Yoga Ethics, Yoga Nidra, Yoga Philosophy, Opening and Closing Circle for Blooming Happy Yoga 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification

  • 2017

    100 Hour Certification Mantra/Nada Yoga (Tantra) - The Heart of Sound (Anandra George) Rishikesh, India

    2016 - Training Assistant

    100 Hour Certification Yin Yoga - TNYT Yoga (Tina Nance) Bali, Indonesia


    200 Hour Certification Hatha Yoga - Swasti Yoga (Surinder Singh) Rishikesh, India


    200 Hour Certification Hatha Yaga in the Anusara Method (Kashmir Shaivism) - Yoga Lila (Tara Judelle) Bali, Indonesia


    200 Hour Certification Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Frog Lotus Yoga (Vidya Heisl) Bali, Indonesia

  • 2022 - Present

    50 Hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training created and taught by Belinda O’Dea since 2022 online and in-person.