When engaging with Sacred Women’s Journeys you will be required to agree to our Terms and Conditions and sign a Release and Waiver of Liability. 

Please carefully read the following agreement as it outlines the Terms and Conditions for the programs and services that Sacred Women’s Journeys provide.


1. I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Programs which may include strenuous physical  activity including without limitation yoga, energy exercises, body movement, dancing and various other  exercises or physical activity as part of the Program classes or activities (henceforth “Physical Activity”). I  acknowledge that I am fully aware of the risks and hazards connected with my participation in the Programs  and/or engaging in Physical Activity, which may include the risk of serious injury (e.g., heart attacks, muscle  strains, pulls, tears, broken bones, shin splints, and other illnesses) or death, and I hereby elect to voluntarily  participate in such Physical Activities as part of the Programs.  


2. I represent that I am over the age of 18 years old or have the full written consent to attend the Programs by a legal parent or guardian over the age of 18 years old.  

3. I represent that I am healthy, in good physical and mental health, and fully capable of participating  in the Programs. I further represent that I do not suffer from any medical conditions or disabilities that may  restrict, limit, prevent, or preclude my participation in the Programs, including any Physical Activities. 

4. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation  in the Programs. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown,  which I might incur as a result of participating in the Programs.  

5. I agree to inform the instructor/teacher of any physical, mental and emotional limitations, discomfort  and/or injuries before or during the Programs, and I take full responsibility for nondisclosure. 

6. I agree that Sacred Women’s Journeys reserves the right in their sole discretion to refuse my participation in the Programs or parts of the Programs, due to physical or mental fitness, or if at any time I demonstrate behaviour that may result in injury to myself or others. 

7. I understand that if a change in my physical or mental health or condition does occur which might affect my ability to participate in the Programs or otherwise exercise safely, I will immediately notify Sacred Women’s Journeys. 

8. I understand and agree that if I am pregnant, I will take necessary steps to ensure my doctor and health care providers know that I am participating in the Programs. I assert that I am of good health to participate in the Programs and will alert Sacred Women’s Journeys to the fact of my pregnancy. 


9. I understand that serious accidents may occur during Physical Activities, including without limitation yoga, and that Participants can sustain fatal and/or serious personal injury. I agree to solely and exclusively assume  full and complete responsibility for and the risks inherent in engaging in Physical Activity which may include  injury, death, property damage, and/or any other kind of Liability which may occur during the Programs.  


10. In the event that I am injured while participating in the Programs, I agree to assume all financial obligations  for any and all medical costs I incur. I acknowledge and agree that in no event shall Sacred Women’s Journeys be  liable or responsible for any losses or liabilities arising out of my participation in the Programs.  


11. In the event that I should require medical care or treatment, I agree to be financially responsible for any  costs incurred as a result of such treatment. I am aware and understand that I should carry my own health insurance and where applicable comprehensive travel insurance.  

12. Although I acknowledge that it is not the obligation of Sacred Women’s Journeys to provide any Participant with medical care during, prior to, or after the Programs, in the event that necessary medical treatment or first aid is provided to me, I hereby consent to such care. This release shall apply to all medical care, and particularly where I  may lose consciousness or be unable to deal with matters myself. 

13. I acknowledge that the teachers, instructors or advisors of Sacred Women’s Journeys are not physicians and are not trained in any way to provide medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or any other type of medical advice. Furthermore, I am aware that it is always advisable to consult a physician before embarking on any Programs  that includes yoga or spiritual practice.  


14. I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for my equipment and all personal property during the  Programs and that Sacred Women’s Journeys, any Vendors or third parties are not responsible in any way for my property whether it is lost, stolen or damaged. 


15. In the event that any damage to equipment or facilities, of either Sacred Women’s Journeys or any Vendor,  occurs as a result of my wilful actions, neglect or recklessness, I acknowledge and agree to be held liable for any and all costs associated with any actions of neglect or recklessness.  


16. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations presented by Sacred Women’s Journeys and treat all staff and participants with a high level of courtesy and respect for the mutual benefit of all. 

17. I am aware that Sacred Women’s Journeys does not allow the consumption of Drugs & Alcohol during the full length of the Programs. If I am found indulging in any such activity, then Sacred Women’s Journeys has the right to disqualify my participation from the Programs with immediate effect and without claim to compensation.  

18. I understand that, in order to create a safe space for all Participants, Sacred Women’s Journeys follows a zero tolerance policy for any acts of violence, aggression or any inappropriate, non-consensual sexual language or conduct.  

19. I understand that I am not obligated to perform nor participate in any activity that I do not wish to do, and that is my right to refuse such participation at any time. 


20. I commit not to distribute course materials provided directly to me, to anyone, regardless of whether that person/those people may have previously joined Sacred Women’s Journeys programs, in any format – whether printed, digital, or based in social media or online content. Unauthorised distribution of Sacred Women's Journeys materials will be considered a breach of this agreement and subjected to legal repercussions.  

21. Additionally, I hereby commit to keep all content of the Sacred Women’s Journeys Programs in which I participate confidential and to respect the privacy of all participants. Therefore, I will not reveal the identity of other participants or the specifics of their experiences or statements during the courses to anyone in any form, including through social media or other public or non-public options.  


22. I accept that Sacred Women’s Journeys has the right to deny any Participant access to the Programs, for reasons  which will be clearly communicated in advance.  

23. Furthermore, I am fully aware and accept in advance, that Sacred Women’s Journeys reserves the right to expel,  dismiss, or deny attendance to any Participant at any time during the Programs, for the following reasons:  

- Problematic behaviour that disrupts course harmony;  

- Disregarding or breaking the rules of conduct as explained in the first day of the Programs; 

- Aggressive or disrespectful behaviour toward any teacher, staff member, or Participant; 

- Any acts of violence or any inappropriate, non-consensual sexual language or conduct;

- Any other disturbing, abnormal, or adverse behaviour that negatively impacts the course, the teacher(s)/ assistants, or other Participants;  

- Drug or alcohol consumption;  

- False statements regarding mental or physical health issues.  

These decisions will be taken at the sole discretion of Sacred Women’s Journeys and will be final.  

24. I understand and accept that in the case of my expulsion from any of Sacred Women’s Journeys courses, there will be no refund of any kind of my payments to Sacred Women’s Journeys at any time. I accept that I am fully  aware of the “no refund” policy in case of expulsion from a course and I agree in advance to withhold any claims for a refund in such an event. 


25. In consideration for participating in the Programs, I, and I on behalf of my executors, administrators, heirs, successors, assigns, voluntarily assume all these risks and expressly waive, release, discharge and agree  not to sue Sacred Women’s Journeys for any loss, damage, death, disability, injury, or action of any kind for participating in this Programs organised by Sacred Women’s Journeys and I hereby indemnify and hold Sacred Women’s Journeys harmless against any claims by my dependents or other third parties whatsoever arising by reason of  my death, disability or injury whilst participating in the Programs. 


26. I agree that this constitutes the entire agreement between me and Sacred Women’s Journeys and I acknowledge that I conclude this Agreement of my own free will without force or coercion and not having been induced to do so by reason of any representations on the part of Sacred Women’s Journeys.  


27. I irrevocably agree that this Agreement shall be governed by the Australian Law (West Australian Jurisdiction), that any mediation, suit, or other proceeding must be filed or entered solely and exclusively in Australia, and any courts of appeal therefrom shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute  arising under or in connection with this Agreement (including any disputes as to this Agreement’s existence or validity). I waive any objection (on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction, forum non conveniens, or otherwise) to the exercise of jurisdiction by such courts.  


28. I acknowledge and agree that this Agreement, including the releases and waivers of liability herein, are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by applicable law.  


29. If any portion(s) of this Agreement is/are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful,  invalid, or unenforceable, such portion(s) shall be interpreted and/or reformed without further action of the parties hereto to render them valid and enforceable when applied to the facts at issue and the lawfulness, validity, and enforceability of such provision(s) as applied to any other facts, and the lawfulness, validity, or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby.  


30. The failure or delay by Sacred Women’s Journeys to enforce or exercise any provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of such provision or any other provisions herein. Furthermore, any waiver or breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not amount to a waiver of any other provision.  


31. In addition to these Terms and Conditions and this Release and Waiver of Liability you agree to the information set out as the privacy policy for Sacred Women’s Journeys.


32. All of Sacred Women’s Journeys services require up front payment and have a “no refund” policy.


33. By participating in a program hosted by Sacred Women’s Journeys you understand, and give permission to be photographed and filmed (audio and visual) while participating. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing your personal history, thoughts, feelings, and opinions with other participants and future participants who purchase the program recordings. Please note that only general sharing will be used for public Social Media & Marketing purposes, and vulnerable sharing will be kept solely for present and future program participants.


I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its content. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above and will adhere to these Terms & Conditions when engaging with Sacred Women’s Journeys programs.