Women’s circle training.

Learn to Lead Sacred Women’s Circle with Clarity and Confidence.

In-Person Training in Perth, West Australia Saturday’s November 16 - December 14, 2024 (4 Places)


Women’s circle FACILITATor training.

Become an expert Sacred Space Holder and Women’s Circle Leader with this comprehensive 40-hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training Course held in-person in Perth for an intimate group of a maximum of 4 members.

Sacred Women’s Circle offers a portal of connection for like-hearted women to share their truth, laughter, tears, and pain in a judgment-free, safe, and nurturing environment.

We’re living in times where the Divine Feminine is being called upon to rekindle a sense of community, remember the potent power of Women’s Wisdom, and create positive change in the world that is uplifting and inclusive.

If you’ve felt called to create nourishing and healing spaces for other women, the 'Comprehensive Leadership Training Course' provides you with the structure and knowledge to do so safely and confidently.

You'll also cultivate lifelong sisterhood bonds in an intimate, small-group learning environment, allowing you to continue connecting and supporting each other long after the training is complete.

Women’s Circle Facilitator Training includes step-by-step guidance, practical examples, embodied learning, and scripts to follow, as well as enough themes and inspiration for you to create a business from home that can blossom for years to come.

Not only will you learn to guide other women in a sacred and meaningful way, but you will also connect with and heal deep parts of your own Feminine Psyche, learning to fully embody and draw from the Divine Feminine Wisdom that already exists inside of you.

Women’s Circle Facilitator Training offers you an opportunity to build confidence and learn to lead other women with grace and ease in an intimate group learning environment that reveres the cultivation of Divine Feminine Leadership.

It is also a chance to take time to journey through the Seasons of a Woman’s Life—reflect on the Rites of Passage that you have already been through, and offer healing to yourself and others by becoming an embodied Women’s Wisdom Keeper.

Empower yourself and other women by learning to lead Sacred Women’s Circles in a heartfelt, compassionate, and nurturing way.

Make your dream of becoming a leader come true this year—the world needs more Sacred Women’s Circles.


  • 🔻 Guided Gifts & Talents Contemplation Exercise

    🔻 Opening Sacred Women's Circle - Setting Sankalpa/Intentions

    🔻 History of Women’s Circle & the Red Tent Movement

    🔻 Significance of Circle, Key Elements & The Agreements

  • 🔻 Introduction to the Women’s Mysteries, Archetypes, Season’s & Rites of Passage of a Woman’s Life

    🔻 Holding Safe Space, Grounding through Centering & Guided Relaxation

    🔻 Symbology and importance of ‘The Mother’, The Red Thread & Creating Ritual

    🔻 Women's Wisdom Circle - Spring Rites of Passage Work (Birth Story)

  • 🔻 Types of Women’s Circles, Creating Sacred Space & Setting the Scene

    🔻 Menstrual Awareness, Spiritual Aspects & Moon Wisdom

    🔻 ‘The Agreements’

    🔻 Women's Wisdom Circle - Spring Rites of Passage Work (Menstruation)

    🔻 Summer Rites of Passage Work - Motherhood, Pregnancy, Giving Birth & Healing the Mother Wound

  • 🔻 Qualities of a Great Leader & The Business of Women’s Circle

    🔻 Women's Creative Goddess Circle

    🔻 Autumn Rites of Passage Work - Menopause ‘The Great Awakener!’

    🔻 Women's Wisdom Circle - Winter Rites of Passage Work - Death & Dying

    🔻 Acknowledgements & Further Resources

  • 🔻 Spring Sacred Women's Circle Group Presentation

    🔻 Summer Sacred Women's Circle Group Presentation

    🔻 Autumn Sacred Women's Circle Group Presentation

    🔻 Winter Sacred Women's Circle Group Presentation

    🔻 Closing Ritual

  • 170 Page Women’s Circle Facilitator Training Manual including Theory, Journalling Prompts, Themes, Scripts, The Agreements, Inspiriting Quotes, Imagery, Sample Set Up, Checklists and so much more INVALUABLE!


  • 40 Hours includes Lectures, Workshops, Circles, Embodiment Exercises, Q & A’s and practice sessions facilitated by expert International Sacred Women’s Circle & Women’s Retreat Leader Belinda O’Dea. 25 Hours contact live in person in Perth and 15 hours home study requirement (3 hours additional preparation per week).

  • This is a comprehensive & intensive immersion into the Women’s Mysteries and Path of Feminine Spirituality in order to fully imbibe, embody and cultivate a deep understanding of the basis for offering an authentic Sacred Women’s Circle. You will be trained thoroughly in the "Ways of a Woman" from "Birth to Death" in order to hold an important role in society as a Women's Circle Facilitator.

  • 8 x Specialty 60 – 90 Minute Sacred Women’s Circles each with different themes to experience, learn and be inspired by. 4 of these Sacred Circles with themes will be facilitated by Belinda O'Dea and 4 of these Sacred Circles will be those offered by fellow students. Offering a Sacred Women’s Circle back to the group is a mandatory requirement to receive a ‘Completion Certificate’ for this Leadership Training Course.

  • 170 Page Women’s Circle Facilitator Training Manual including Theory, Journalling Prompts, Themes, Scripts, The Agreements, Inspiriting Quotes, Imagery, Sample Set Up, Checklists and so much more INVALUABLE!



Learn to facilitate safe and sacred spaces for women in your local community to connect, learn, and share.

When women come together to share in the ‘Sisterhood of Sacred Circle,’ there is an alchemy and magic that happens, palpable to all attending.

Sitting in a Sacred Women’s Circle and sharing unfiltered truth is a beautiful way of normalising the experience of what it means to be a woman.

When you are held in the sacred container of a Women’s Circle, you can see, sense, and hear your own story reflected in the stories and sharing of all the other members.

This helps you understand that you are not alone in all that you experience as a woman.

Sacred Women’s Circles are deeply nourishing and healing spaces for women to gather, to be seen and heard without any need for feedback or fixing.

An ancient tradition that has been beautifully reinterpreted for modern times.

Sacred Women’s Circles are portals of gentle wisdom that celebrate the quiet revolution of the Divine Feminine rising.

We come together to celebrate the dynamism of 'Shakti,' or the Power of Divine Feminine Energy that animates all of us, bringing us back to a sense of Self-Knowing and Wholeness.

In Sacred Women’s Circle, we celebrate the cyclical nature of womanhood—the fluctuations of hormones, the purification of emotions, and the gifts and challenges that come with each season and rite of passage of a woman’s life.

We learn to honour, celebrate, grieve, and welcome all of the transitions in a woman’s life.

This in-depth 40-hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training will help you build personal confidence, tap into your own unique gifts and talents, and grow spiritually from the inside out so that you can lead others with both structure and intuition.

Over the course of the 50-hour in-person training, you will progressively be immersed in the 'Magic of Sacred Women’s Circle,' the gifts of feminine spirituality, and the power of the women’s mysteries.

You will develop an embodied understanding of the seasons of a woman’s life and the rites of passage that every woman goes through, whether she is aware of them or not.

You will walk away with practical, simple tools to create your own specialised Sacred Women’s Circle offerings and gatherings in an online or in-person format straight away.

This includes themes and inspiration for Sacred Women’s Circles that will keep you going for years to come!

Learn to lead Sacred Women’s Circles with confidence, grace, and ease in an intimate learning environment with like-hearted women who also wish to share the practice of 'Sitting in Circle'.


Create nourishing and healing spaces for women by learning to lead Sacred Women’s Circle.



  • A Rite of Passage is a ceremony or ritual marking the transition when a significant stage of life is entered. For women, these Rites of Passage include Birth, Menarche (First Period), First Sexual Experience, Pregnancy and Giving Birth (not necessarily to babies), Menopause, and Death. Each Rite of Passage carries a significant story that influences the trajectory of a woman's life, whether she is aware of the transformation or not. In this course, we move through, reflect on, and find healing in each of the Rites of Passage, whether this is a process of retrospection or a wish for a more conscious future transition.

  • Altars anchor the centre of a Sacred Circle. In this course, you will learn the significance and importance of creating an altar for Sacred Circle Offerings. Each week, you will use your creativity and intuition to craft beautiful centerpieces that will nourish and inspire both you and your Sacred Circle members.

  • A key differentiating factor of a Sacred Women’s Circle, compared to a general Women’s Circle, is the introduction of ritual, ceremony, and themes. In this training, you will receive numerous ideas for Sacred Women’s Circle themes, along with visual representations of what these themes could look like. You will also learn how to guide integral rituals, such as the 'Mother Candle Ceremony,' through embodied practice and repetition. Essentially learning by doing.

  • Most women come to this Women’s Circle Leadership Course with a strong desire to hold space for other women but lack the confidence to do so. They also may not yet know how to create a safe environment where each woman can open up and share without fear or judgment. In this training course, you will learn how to create a trauma-informed safe space. You will also discover how to tap into your own ‘Feminine Wisdom’ and create a sacred space that allows the magic of the Women’s Circle to unfold naturally and with ease.

  • Walk away with scripts, structure, and a wealth of theme ideas to help you start hosting your first Sacred Women’s Circle Offering, either online or in-person. You will receive a comprehensive 170-page manual to print and refer to repeatedly. This will be a valuable resource that you return to for inspiration for years to come.

  • In this online training course, you will learn the potency of cycle awareness and how living in alignment with the ebbs and flows of the menstrual cycle can transform the experience of having periods for both women and the men around them. This information is vital for women of all ages and life stages. Even if you are no longer cycling, as a Women’s Circle Leader, you can teach and share this wisdom with younger women, helping them to manage the fluctuations of their energy and hormones and live more harmoniously with this intentional flow of life force. Once you are privy to this life-changing information, it will be your duty to share it with other women.

  • Many important transitional stages and Rites of Passage in a woman’s life are shrouded in taboo and dread. Menopause is a moment calculated retrospectively, defined as having occurred when a woman's periods have ceased for more than one year. In our Menopause Education, we explore the significant transformation that occurs at this life stage, learning how to navigate it in a more empowered way with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the process and its outcomes. Embracing, teaching, and sharing this knowledge is a crucial aspect of ‘Women’s Wisdom Work’ for any aspiring Women’s Circle Facilitator.

  • For up to ten years before the menstrual cycle ceases and menopause occurs, many changes can take place in a woman’s life. This is a normal seasonal transition from the summer of her life to the autumn. Often, women deny the underlying messages their bodies are sending and simply seek remedies for symptoms. In this ‘Women’s Wisdom Work,’ we aim to understand what is showing up and how we can engage in deep healing work. This involves holding ourselves and other women with the gentleness, compassion, and kindness required during this period of change. Sometimes, as we begin to embody more of our wn healing we are able to bring more love and tenderness to the difficulty of change. Acceptance helps us to support ourselves and other women in these important stages of grief and loss.

  • In Women’s Circle Facilitator Training, we learn to reverence the Universal Mother in all of her representations. This frequently entails a necessity to delve into and address an inherited ‘Mother Wound’. Throughout this course, we honour the physical Mother from whom we originated, the Divine Mother, Mother Nature, and the cultivation of access to the wisdom of the ‘Inner Mother’ as a teacher and guide.

  • Learn the importance of safely and responsibly holding space for yourself and others. This encompasses establishing the necessary agreements to offer Sacred Women’s Circles that foster clear and healthy boundaries for all participants. Additionally, you will learn techniques to manage your own energy and experiences, minimising the absorption of others' emotions or issues.

  • Explore the Women’s Mysteries, Seasons, and Rites of Passage of a woman’s life through self-inquiry contemplations and journal prompts. This Online Training Course aims to demystify the Women’s Mysteries, providing clarity on the beauty of 'Womanhood'. The term ‘Women's Mysteries’ typically refers to the sacred and often hidden aspects of women's experiences, cycles, and wisdom. These mysteries encompass various aspects of feminine embodiment, spirituality, and life stages that have been traditionally passed down through women's rituals, teachings, and practices.

  • The Women’s Circle Facilitator Training is grounded in the Principles of the Path of Tantra and Tantrik Yoga, encompassing reverence and respect for harmonising the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within ourselves. It also acknowledges the significance of sharing Truth with kindness and compassion, and recognising the Divine in everyday experiences. Classical Tantra serves as the lens or perspective through which this training is taught, distinguishing it from other women’s circle facilitator trainings.

  • Understanding the scope and mastering the establishment of 'The Agreements' constitute the most fundamental aspects of becoming a Women’s Circle Facilitator. In this Feminine Leadership Course, you will be provided with a comprehensive list and a script to follow, which can be edited and adapted to suit the needs of the circles you intend to facilitate.

  • Just as nature has four distinct seasons, so does the life of a woman, who is innately a cyclical being. In addition to the overarching seasons of a woman’s life, there are also the seasons of the menstrual cycle, all of which will be covered in detail during this intensive 50-hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training.

  • Understand the history of the Ancient Ritual of Women’s Circle and its modern adaptation: where it all began, what it commonly looks like now, and how to claim this format as your own. You will also learn about the Red Tent Movement and how the ideology of Women’s Circle came to be as a modern way for women to gather and share.

  • It’s one thing to feel the call to start a Women’s Circle, but it’s another to truly bring it to life, have women show up, and make it profitable if that’s your desire. In the Business of Women’s Circle lecture, you will learn the foundations of what you need to know to start formulating, marketing, and filling your Sacred Women’s Circles.

  • Learn how to centre yourself and others through an original four-part systematic guided model for clear self-reflection and tapping into intuition. You will be provided with a script to follow, or if you have experience with mindfulness or meditation, you can freestyle your method of centering yourself and others. Becoming centered and learning to guide others into stillness and self-reflection is an important part of creating Women’s Circles that uplift and inspire.

  • Learning to tap into the abundant flow of the Goddess will inspire deep inner peace, connection, and creativity. You will enjoy a practical example of working with Goddess Energy through experiencing a Creative Goddess Circle. Learning how to harness Goddess Energy will be just one way that you begin to embody Divine Feminine Leadership.

  • Understand the Cycle of the Moon and how it relates to a Woman’s Body and Menstrual Cycle. You will learn to use the stages of the moon to reflect on your own energy and to create special experiences that harness the moon's energy. Examples of this may include hosting your Sacred Women’s Circle gatherings on the New Moon or Full Moon with very specific intentions. You will also be able to guide both women who are menstruating and those who are not in a way that feels inclusive and inspiring for all.


  • Yes, this 40-hour Facilitator Training Course comes with an endorsement from Belinda O’Dea and a Completion Certificate. Please note that 90% attendance plus participation in a final Presentation Circle are required to receive your certificate. This means that you can miss a maximum of one out of the five weeks of live component of the training and still qualify.

  • This is an intimate group learning environment held in person with places for a maximum of 4 members. Each member will receive personal attention, personalised guidance and feedback.

  • This 40-hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training takes 5 weeks to complete. You will need to commit 10 hours per week for 5 weeks, which includes 5 hours of in-person class time on the allocated Saturday's and an additional commitment of 3 hours of self-study and homework tasks during the week.

  • The investment is AUD$2950 when paying by direct bank transfer. PayPal and Eventbrite sign-ups will incur an additional fee to cover transaction costs. Payment Plan = 4 Payments x AUD$800. Your first payment will secure your place and all 4 payments must be settled by the commencement of the training.

  • Generally, becoming a Women’s Circle Leader feels like a calling—a desire to create beautiful spaces for women to come home to themselves, connect, and share. You may have a desire to add Women’s Circles to what you are already doing, or you may feel called to create a business that you could start from a space at home.

  • As this is an intimate group learning environment with no more than 5 members, places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Your payment will secure your place in the training. If you opt for the payment plan your first payment will secure your place and all 4 payments must be settled by the commencement of the training.

  • If you would like to arrange a time to meet prior to signing up or have questions that are unanswered please email hello@sacredwomensjourneys.com

  • Upon committing to this 40-hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training Course, you agree to the following:

    1. You understand that this 40-hour training focuses on teaching women how to hold Sacred Space for other women in a Women’s Circle Format, and that this knowledge can easily be applied to any number of specialised women’s-only offerings.

    2. You understand that this 40-hour training is hosted in-person, and 90% attendance is required to be endorsed by Belinda O’Dea as a Sacred Women’s Circle Leader and receive your Completion Certificate.

    3. You understand that due to the interactive nature of the subject being studied, you will be required to participate and share your personal experiences pertaining to the subject at hand in a non-judgmental and safe environment.

    4. Additionally, setting aside an extra 3 hours per week for homework, home study and altar creation.

    5. You understand and give permission to be photographed and filmed while participating in this in-person training in order to showcase the content of the training to other women who may be interested in joining at a future date. Please note that no vulnerable sharing will be made public and absolute confidentiality will be maintained for the content of the Sacred Women's Circles.

    6. You give your permission and copyright of any content shared by you throughout the 40-hour Women’s Circle Facilitator Training to Belinda O’Dea and Sacred Women’s Journeys to use at their respectful discretion.

    7. To the best of your ability, you will prioritise attending the in-person training and will promise to politely notify Belinda prior to the session if for any reason you are unable to attend.

    8. You understand that only participants who attend 90% of the in-person sessions and present a Women’s Circle to the group will be eligible to be endorsed by Belinda O’Dea and receive a Completion Certificate stating that you have graduated from the 40-hour Sacred Women’s Circle Facilitator Training.

  • This Women’s Circle Facilitator Training is non-refundable and non-transferable to a future training. All sales are final, and a strict no-refund policy is in place. If you are unable to attend all or part of the training due to illness or for any other reason, then no refund will be provided. You will have the Women’s Circle Facilitator Training Manual to keep as a reference forever should you be unable to attend the training due to unforeseen circumstances.